Pin-up magazine #29. Revolution

Note from the editor:

Viva la revolución! On the cover: Bold graphics by Office Ben Ganz responsible for Pin–up’s new design direction. Inside: activist graphic language selections from Jerome Harris; Paola Antonelli on revolutionary new materials; David Fortin on decolonizing design; Philippe Malouin’s bold new design moves; BIPOC Studios classifieds by Dong-Ping Wong; Gregory Ketant on Quantum Architecture; a tribute to the late great legend Nanda Vigo; the urban interventions of Hong Kong protesters; and Camille Okhio on the curse of Versailles.

Also in this issue: Interviews of Xu Tiantian, Kandis Williams, Amin Taha, architecture office SUB, and Luca Cipelletti. Moreover, Ted Barrow sorts through the vestiges of Trump aesthetics; Drew Zeiba on the 5G revolution; the history of the Guy Fawkes mask; accessibility hot spots from gender neutral bathrooms to hostile architecture; Akeem Smith’s dance-hall architecture; Alice Bucknell’s speculative E-Z Kryptobuild; prison abolition and design ethics with Raphael Sperry; Rafik Greiss photographs Issey Miyake textiles; an interview with design oracle Piero Gandini; Supreme’s objets d’art; Jerome Byron on quarantine renovations; the architecture of common ground; a book on the history of architecture and the Algerian revolution; an interview with Maite Borjabad on design futures; and so much more.

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