Bruno Munari. MC1 architecture box

Bruno Munari

This architecture kit includes directions in English and Italian.

Note from the editor:

Originally produced in 1945, the MC1 architecture box contains a series of “bricks” of different shapes. Put together differently, you can make any number of buildings, from houses to churches, ancient castles to modern garages, hotels, skyscrapers, factories, towers, aqueducts, temples, stations, hangars, pile dwellings, houses with porticoes, balconies, terraces, and so on.

The attached booklet contains over sixty examples which can be multiplied by the imagination of whoever is playing with them, just some of the infinite constructions that can be build. The new edition of MC1 architecture box is made of cardboard. This new edition features “bricks” made of unhewn beechwood.

Poids 1.200 kg


Type de produit

CHF 69.00


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