Theorems on art

Bruno Munari

The book includes content in Italian, English and French.

Note from the editor:

First published by Scheiwiller in 1961 the Milanese master’s historic “Theorems on art” is added to the Block notes series (punched silver cover), conceived and directed for us by Bruno Munari. The book includes a sharp and amusing collection of brief considerations about art which still make us smile and reflect today. “Theorems on art” has a new cover and it plays with Munari’s schemes. It still has the holes but the silver cover has been replaced by pure white and next to the name of the series we have added /03, to indicate the year we decided to start playing again with these books that, through the idea of the hole, embody the power of curiosity and stimulus for creativity. We started with Munari (more of his books will come out), but we are going to include other authors, using old friends as well as new discoveries: the colour of the cover will change each time but the open parts will remain so that you can “look inside. »

Poids 0.250 kg

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Type de produit

CHF 15.00


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